As health professionals, you understand the importance of making informed decisions, just as you do in your practice. When it comes to obtaining a home loan, the amount you can borrow and the amount you should borrow often differ significantly. It's crucial to realistically assess your financial situation before making a major financial commitment.
Here's how to ensure you're making the right decision:
Step 1 - Understand Your Borrowing Capacity
Your borrowing capacity depends on several factors, including:
Understanding the distinction between what you can borrow and what you should borrow is vital. As a general guideline, it's not advisable to allocate more than 30% of your monthly household income to home loan repayments, allowing you to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
Step 2 - Build a Budget
To determine your realistic borrowing limit, start by creating a comprehensive budget and sticking to it. This should account for both your personal and professional expenses. Knowing what funds are coming in and going out will help you assess how much you can afford to repay, and thus, what you should borrow. If creating a budget seems daunting, consider seeking assistance from a financial planner experienced in the unique financial situations of health professionals.
Include these expenses in your budget:
Step 3 - Future-Proof Your Figures
Leave some flexibility in your budget for potential changes in circumstances. As health professionals, unexpected events like job loss, illness, or rising interest rates could affect your ability to make repayments. Consider other factors: Is your income likely to increase with additional qualifications or promotions? Do you plan to have children, which might temporarily reduce your working hours? Are you nearing retirement and considering a more flexible work schedule?
These are personal questions that will influence how much you should borrow. Remember, lenders inform you of how much you can borrow, but you know your situation best. It's up to you to decide how much you should borrow. For personalised guidance, consider consulting a mortgage broker who understands the financial intricacies faced by health professionals in Australia.
By taking these steps, you can make a well-informed decision that supports both your financial health and your professional commitments.